Affinityclick Advertising

<script type="text/javascript">(function(){var acId = "2b62d230-ece0-012e-cb56-12313b091c99";document.write( '<a '+ 'id="'+acId+'" name="'+acId+'" '+ 'style="display:none;" '+ '>'+ acId+ '</'+'a>'+ '<s'+'cript '+ 'lan'+'guage="jav'+'as'+'cript" '+ 'src="'+'//'+'/seat/'+acId+'/ticket.js" '+ '>'+ '</'+ 'scr'+'ipt>');})();</script>

Getting started with AffinityClick

Getting up and running with AffinityClick is pretty straight forward. Once you have signed up for the service and you have confirmed your email address you will be ready to start earning! Simply follow the following instructions:
  1. Create your account 
  2. Create a new widget
  3. Create a filter (this wil allow you to select products directly that you wish to have shown on your website)
  4. Assign a filter to a widget (this wil allow you lock specific products to specific widget types)
  5. Get your javascript code and place it on your website. 
  6. Your done!
It's that simple to get up and running. Give it a few minutes for everything to start to work and you'll be ready to start earning money!
Thank You!